European Commission Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations IAEA International Labour Organization Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency PAHO United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation World Health Organization

Observer organizations ICRU ICRP IEC IRPA ISO

Celebrating 30 years of working together to promote international radiation safety standards
The Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety (IACRS) is a forum for collaboration and coordination in matters of radiation safety among relevant international organizations and bodies. This website provides information about the IACRS and its milestones in the last 30 years. It is designed to help radiation protection professionals, regulators, operators and other users in the radiation safety field worldwide.

Contact us for more information.


Basic international safety standards
Dose limits for the lens of the eye
Screening devices at airports
Radon information overview
 30th anniversary
 30th anniversary
 Non-medical human imaging
Operational quantities for external radiation exposure
Safety Standards
New dose limit
for the eye
Screening devices
at airports
Radon information
IACRS 30th anniversary
JRP article
IACRS 30th anniversary
human imaging
Operational quantities
information overview